Monday, April 20, 2009

End of last week and what is up this week

Hey girls and guys,

So here is the download of the TEA party in my town. Obviously you know it was last Wednesday and if any of you saw the news, you know the news people (except Glenn Beck) lied by saying it was mostly housewives at the TEA parties! There were plenty of men, teen girls and guys and even some kids! It was actually my very first rally and I saw quite a few people I know from my home school group. Here are some pictures of all the people there:

It was actually a lot of fun rallying for American CHRISTIAN rights! We sang God Bless the USA and we said the Pledge Of Allegiance and we heard a couple speakers and one sounded like he was a Christian man! : )

Thursday, nothing special that I can remember.... oh well, on to Friday!

Friday was BEAUTIFUL outside! I went to babysit that morning and we were outside most of the time taking walks and playing on the kids swing set. If you could add the family I babysit for to your prayer list that would be great. They had to have Terminix treat their house for termites and when I was inside babysitting, they were all over the place. I felt so helpless with all those bugs crawling EVERYWHERE and Summer (3 years old) was scared of them so she kept calling for me with her little voice saying, "There is another one right there! Get it!" She wanted me to kill them for her and I did kill at least 50 but it was hard work with a 5 month old baby in my arms. I fixed the problem of Summer being scared by taking her to the TV room and letting the three older kids (Noah, Marina and Summer) watch a kid show while I fed the baby a bottle. I was pretty exhausted when I got home but it was so nice out that I just had to be outside. I was able to wear a short sleeve top and shorts! Yeaaaa! Well my grandma came to visit at about 2ish and she gave me a birthday card which contained birthday cash!! I saved most and spent some on a couple new belts that I really needed (the belt I was using was purchased 6 years ago... and it still fit! LOL I am not kidding! : )

Saturday, my family and I spent the whole day outside! It was sooo nice out and we had so much fun together. We went out to dinner at a place that specializes in roast beef so all of our meals contained roast beef. : P

Sunday was a gloomyish day (is gloomyish a word??) because there was no sunshine. Well we did of course go to church and the message was on Aliens.... weird, i know. Well it was actually about how women and men seem to be aliens to each other's worlds and how God created us to be different to benefit marraige and our compatability. I wouldn't know much about that though cuz I am obviously not married but I do observe a bit of how my parents deal with sticky situations so I have a bit of a clue.

Today, I have been doing lots of studying (a typical day includes 6-8 hours of schoolwork for me) and baking. Yes I baked a cranberry dessert for my mom's Lia Sophia party tonight. Lia Sophia is like Avon but instead of selling beauty products, they sell jewelry. Well I need to get going to I can finish my schoolwork (just my history and social studies) and then we need to tidy up the house for the party tonight. TTY all L! Leave a comment to support my blogging creativity! : )

Blessings and Joy,


P.S. For those of you who wanted to see pics of my dresses I got for my b-day, here they are!

The blue one is my fav, the green/black/white one is my second fav and I really like the last one because it flatters my figure and makes me look more sophisticated.


Tunafish said...

Wow, that sounds like it was a great rally! I would've liked to be there. Heh, I can't imagine having to babysit like that! (Well maybe I can but not very well :P) I know this sounds really weird, but I think it'd be nice to have a life partner who would always be there to love and support you. A real friend who you could love back too. I love how GOD did that for us! Wow, you must feel pretty privileged to have baked for your mom's party, I would. It sounds really good and has my mouth watering! :P The dresses look pretty nice but I don't really know much about fashion (seeing as I'm still a guy :) Jesus loves you! :D

SocialButterfly said...

do you have a nickname or something I can call ya because its weird calling you fish... lol! If not I can still call ya Tunafish but anyways, yeah the rally really was great. I totally agree on the life partner thing but its not weird at all. I want a mate who will love me for who I am and support me in all I do and encourage me with God's Word. I do enjoy my time with God and I spend time in the night praying outloud when I am alone and in the morning before everyone is up and going. You know someone once said, "Tell God your plans and He will laugh at you" because usually what we have planned will only happen if its what He originally planned! Confusing but so true. Oh and I wanted to ask you how old you are? Is that too personal? If your parents aren't comfortable with you sharing your age that is fine. Oh and also, I know fashion is not an A+ subject for guys so don't worry if you can't leave a girly comment about my dresses. lol Jesus loves you too! <3

Tunafish said...

Hmmm... I'd have to think about that one - the nickname thing. I think it's great that you spend a lot of time with GOD! It's so awesome! Heh, if you were I guy, I might consider asking you to be my accountability friend. I don't know why it's advised that members of the opposite gender aren't good for that. I haven't really been in GOD's word all that much but I'm trying to get past the lack of sleep to find a ten minute slot to delve in my Lord. I do talk to Him, I just don't listen :( About my age, well, I'm not quite sure if my parents are comfortable about me sharing it but you should be able to make a good guess by how I write. Well maybe... :) In His love!

Tunafish said...

Oh, you can call me Roc. It's not my real name but whatever. :)

SocialButterfly said...

Ok Roc. If you can't give me your exact age, at least tell me your age range or if you are younger or older than me.
I think the reason they advise not having people of the opposite gender be accountability partners is because they may get too close and end up falling in love. That is the only thing I can think of. Why do you have such a lack of sleep? Do you study that much? Oh and can you tell me which country you live in? If the USA, which coast? ttyl : )