Thursday, January 31, 2008


Hi Everyone,

How are you all doing? I hope none of you are sick during this winter season and at the same time if you are in a tropical state... LUCKY YOU!!! LOL It is so cold up here! JK It really isn't that bad. Yesterday was terrible for us but today it is 25 degrees! Pretty cold I know which is why I am soooo looking forward to Spring! Also my Birthday is in Spring. If you were wondering, our new baby is doing great! At about 7 and 1/2 pounds and getting bigger everyday, baby seems to be constantly changing! : ) We love our baby sooo much! (By 'our' I mean the whole family!) My babysitting job is slacking this week because their family is sick at the time.
: ( I pray they get better soon! Also I was supposed to have a job this morning but the lady I was supposed to babysitt for has a sick daughter! : ( And now since the flu season is finally around, we have to be extra careful to not get sick with the baby in the house! Well I don't know if you knew but I am now sharing a blog with some friends of mine. To check it out click on this URL:

Also I was telling you about some of the other stories I am writing. Well here is one I wrote about three years ago:
Angelina in Snoworld

Once upon a time there was a girl named Angelina and she lived in the western parts of England. She was walking along the shore when she saw a mysterious bottle floating up to the beach exactly 4 feet away from were she stood.
She ran barefoot across the warm sand to where the bottle had washed onto shore and inside, she found a map of Antarctica. She thought to herself, ‘How odd. Where could this have come from?’
Angelina ran as fast as he legs could carry her to their home on the beach and took the map to her father who had been reading the paper on the veranda and asked him, “What could this be for father? I don’t understand those strange markings.” Angelina’s father, Fredrick, studied the map and rubbed his chin in deep thought until replied, “My word! This is a map of Antarctica! Those markings are quite strange indeed. Listen Angelina dear, how would you like to go to Antartica and find out what this map means?” suggested her father for Angelina’s family is rather wealthy.
“Oh father! That would be just wonderful!” Angelina ran into the house, sped through the kitchen where her mother was making sugar cookies, and up the stairs into her room and rushed through her clothes packing the warmest clothes she owned and got all prepared and the next morning took a plane to Antartica. A trip that would change her whole life! On the plane ride, Fredrick and Angelina saw foreign lands that they had only imagined before, Africa, Jamaica, and more. The crossed the Indian Ocean and went through the Atlantic. When they arrived at the airport, people bustled and hustled to get their coats and extra coats around their bodies for it was freezing weather! They took what seemed to be a jeep looking tank to the X on the map. Once at their destination, Angelina asked one of the men who lived in Antarctica if it was always this cold. He had laughed at her saying that it was practically as warm as it ever gets then.
When they arrived at the X, Angelina and her father told the men whom they had hired in England,” Please start digging in this area.” Several hours passed before one of the men finally shouted out,” I found your treasure Miss Angelina! Here you go madam.” Angelina gently smoothed off the snow and she saw a rectangular shaped box with beautiful fairy and snowflake carvings all around it.
“Look father! Isn’t it beautiful? I wonder what is inside.”
Just seconds later, one of her father’s men came running over, “Sir! We need to evacuate the area fast. A snowstorm is approaching rapidly.” Everyone scrambled to the jeep looking tank and hurried back to the nearest village like town they could find. Angelina’s father booked rooms for them in a hotel and they stay their until the storm passed two days later. Later on when she was in her hotel room she decided she would open the box to see whats inside and she found a lovely multicolored stone. She rubbed it ever so gently and then all of the sudden a Snow Princess was standing inside her very room.
" Hello, I am Princess Crystal, I am thirteen years old and I am from the enchanting land of Snoworld. Who are you and how did I get here.” For a few minutes Angelina just simply examined this mysterious young girl. She had blonde hair, hazel eyes and she was quite tall about 5’5.
“ I am Angelina and I live in England and I think I should be asking how you came to be in my room. Is this stone yours?” She asked.
“ No, its for you to keep. When you say ‘ I love adventures’ you will come to Snoworld.” “ Wow,” she said in complete amazement. Then all of the sudden Princess Crystal was gone. A couple of days later in just complete confusion Angelina opened the box, held the stone, and said the magic words. Then, just like a blink of your eye she was in Snoworld. She found she was wearing a brown, warm, and soft coat with matching hat ‘n mittens. Then the Princess appeared wearing the same thing but white. “ Hello there. I was hoping you would come soon,” said Crystal. In her hands was a Snoworld Septor. Angelina saw a glorious sight, a castle, mountains, and tons of snow. “ Princess Crystal, this is beautiful,” said Angelina in complete awe.
“ I am glad you like it.” She paused a moment.” You see its almost Christmas Eve and I didn’t do any Christmas shopping yet and I don’t know what to get for my family.”
“ I can help you with that easily,” said Angelina.
Crystal replied by saying,” Thank you so much! I knew I could count on you.
“ So… Where is the mall,” asked Angelina.
“ Mall? Whats a mall?” Asked Crystal.
Angelina looked shocked and Crystal wondered if she had said the wrong thing. So Angelina said,” You don’t know what a mall is? Well in that case I guess you don’t shop here. What do you usually give your family?”
“ Well… I used to make candles, soap bars, scent packages, and pottery,” said Crystal.
After a moment of thinking Crystal suggested she give Angelina a tour of the Snoworld Castle while they think of what she can give her family. Then a thought struck Angelina, “ Why not make them pictures of their favorite things!”
So Angelina found out that Crystal kept her art supplies in her room and that Crystal’s dad (King John) likes Snow Horses, her mom (Queen Elizabeth) likes snow flowers, and her brother (Prince James) likes Snowy Tigers. After they had finished Angelina realized she had been gone for almost all day. So Angelina said, “It is late and must be going now.” I will come back someday soon! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.”
“ I can’t wait for you to come back. I will really miss you. Friends forever?”
“Friends forever,” replied Angelina in a sad, small voice.
After a sad goodbye, Angelina had to go.
While she went through the magical portal Angelina shouted,” I will come back! I promise!”
“I know you will,” whispered Crystal as she disappeared.

Now you are probably wondering what happened after that.
Well Angelina got home safely to see that no time had passed at all since she had left and as for Crystal? Let’s just say it was the best, most magical, and amazing Christmas ever recorded in the whole world (Snoworld that is)!!!
Now if you wonder if Angelina was true to her word then you will be happy to know that this is only the very beginning of a very happy friendship for the two girls.

You have to give me some credit! That was pretty good for a 12 year old!

Until later,
Social Butterfly

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hey everyone,
I hope you all are staying warm on this frigid day! Here is a PURITY meaning that I just put together:

Perfectly clean for that special mate God has in store for you
Unlike anyone else in the world
Right in God's eyes
Inspirational to others around you
True in living a full life
Yearning to keep pure for your wedding day

I just felt that was a good definition for it all.

Now in reply to your comments on my blog, the story I am writing is not one but actually three. One is a tweenish fantasy called "Angelina in Snoworld 2" I have already written part one which is kinda kiddie but I will post it later, the second is a historical fiction of 1775-1776, and the third is "The Last Dragon of Argon" a complete fiction adventure thriller. I have posted the intro to the the third story on my blog so you can read it later.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hey Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time but I have been VERY busy with my mom's NEW BABY!!! Yes my mom had the baby a few days ago and the baby seems to like staying awake to take in everything. I would tell more about the baby but I don't want to give to much info on our personal lives (sorry). Well now since I have explained my absense and all I can tell you how things have been doing. I am healthy and happy and tired. I have been working on my story still and am proud to say that I am about 1/3 way done. I have eight chapters and more than forty pages. It is a lot of fun writing a fantasy fiction adventure! LOL Well I've g2g but I will write more later.

Social Butterfly

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Brio Magazine

Hey there everyone,

Have you ever heard of brio magazines or brio & beyond? Well it is a great Christian magazine! Brio is for girls 11 - 15 and Brio & Beyond is for girls 16 - 20. Each magazine is full of wonderful ideas, fashion tips for clothes and hair, a Dear Susie article (Susie wrote the book, "God talk for Girls"), quizzes, and so much more! I subscibed about a week ago and can't wait to get my first Brio & Beyond Magazine! If you go to there website, , then you can see bits of previous magazine articles. I will be 16 soon so that is why I subscribed for Brio&Beyond but most of you who read this would be better off with Brio. I can't wait to get my first issue! Check out the website and read the stories, the Dear Susie (its about Hannah Montana's relationship with God), do a quiz, and have fun!

More L8r,
Social Butterfly

Monday, January 07, 2008

Here is my Purity Report. By the 5 votes on the poll almost all are in favor so here it is!!!


What is purity?
Keeping yourself set apart from something as in purity concerning marriage is when you keep yourself pure from kissing, dating, touch, and feelings with a person from the opposite gender.

How can you keep pure?
By standing strong on the rock (the Word of God a.k.a. The Bible) and not being led to temptation. I will admit that from seeing different experiences, noticing an attractive young man/woman isn’t a hard thing to do. The hard part is keeping unclean thoughts out of your mind and to keep yourself pure of lustful thinking.

Why keep yourself pure?
Because on your Wedding day, you want that first kiss to be special… wait, I am getting ahead of myself. Before that wedding day you must realize that courting is the best way to go but even before thoughts of courting flood your mind think on this; when you believe you have found the perfect man/woman you obviously think that then is the time to start “dating”. Hang on to your seats, I’m sorry but you’re wrong! “Dating” is a mess. It causes hurt feelings with breakup, and sometimes that person will use you for selfish purposes like trying to get an old girlfriend/boyfriend back or even that person may just like your company but have absolutely no feelings for you which will cause you to be emotionally hurt in the end of it all.

But I love him/her!
Another subject I would like to cover is emotion and feelings. It is true that hormones can start raging and you think you’re in love but you may have never even had a conversation with the person or you only know a little about them so you don’t truly know them well enough to even say you love them! That is what people today call a “crush”. When you have a “crush”, as people like to say is because, you like someone usually just because of their outside attractiveness which is for a wrong reason then. You shouldn’t look at people and judge them even if they look good because inside they could not be as great as you think. It’s like when you see a red apple and it looks delicious on the outside until you take a bite and realize it’s rotten on the inside!
This is usually how you see “crushes” and “dating” work in those dramatic movies and shows now a day; they think they are the perfect couple for one another, both are all mushy and romantic when dating, she wears nice perfume and the guy actually showers more than once a week. Eventually (usually less than three weeks later) they believe they are in love and get married and apparently according to Hollywood they live “happily ever after”. Now let’s look at the story of what happens with REAL people: The beginning is closer to truth than you would think but here is where the problems develop; marriage. The first week or so they are so caught up in the honeymoon and being newlyweds that the little things don’t seem to matter but after a month they are miserable and hate each other! Now not always but most rushed marriages turn out for the worst. Why you ask? Because she didn’t realize what a temper he had because when “dating” he was so perfect and he pampered her so well but all of the sudden he is gone at work all day and comes home to fight and argue! Or it could be the other way around: she is a complete grouchy brat and gets on his nerves over every single little thing imaginable because she is a nit pick.

Well it isn’t like my mate will know who I dated...
True but here is the thing that is becoming common even on those goofy TV shows: the one thing that can really hurt someone is comparison and that can happen when your mate has “dated” probably about 20 girls/boys before you and keeps comparing you to some of them like this: John was more sensitive and careful with my feelings or Jane was prettier and she had a softer way of handling things.
Almost everyone gets hurt when being compared to someone else better than them. If they don’t then the must have the peace of God.

We will always be together… yesterday he dumped me!
Another problem with ‘dating’ is the breakups and getting together with others. It’s true that one person could go through a 20 dates or boyfriends/girlfriends before they find the one because they thought that they knew or could help speed up the process by taking it into their own hands. Not only will the breakup hurt but then seeing that person will not be the same because you may carry that hurt with you forever! It’s best to keep all relationships with friends of the opposite gender “casual friendships”. You wouldn’t want to place yourselves alone somewhere so it would be best to be around other friends or families. That will help greatly in the life of anyone keeping their purity protected.

How to prevent getting hurt
Have you ever seen the series ‘Little House on the Prairie’ or a movie that is set back in the early 1900s? They did this wonderful thing called ‘Courting’. Here is how courting works; when a young man (unfortunately girls can’t speed up this process because usually their say doesn’t come until a bit later) has interest in a young woman, then he comes to her house or meets her parents somewhere and he asks permission to court their daughter. This is a great way to use your parents to literally filter through young men you know. Ask you parents what they think of a young man or woman and if the girl is absolutely sure she likes a young man then her parents could speak with him and see if he is interested in getting to know her. Back to the subject, parents are perfect because they notice the little stuff and characteristics that are bad or just may not suit you. Now I am not saying that your parents are judging a person because in the Bible that is a sin but they can show you things you may not have noticed or thought of like maybe like for example you may be interested in a young woman or young man but he/she has a temper and you are a sensitive young woman/man, that wouldn’t be a good mix because that would cause problems and hurt in the relationship. Once your parents have spoken with the young man and they find you both compatible with one another and you (if you’re a boy she) have/has interest in the young man also (that is where the young woman has a say), then the courting can begin. Now when you court you don’t go to the movies or go out for dinner because that is dating! Courting is when you both go to a church get together or maybe you both go to a friendly party with other friends, or you go to one another’s homes for dinner or a movie. You always want to be somewhere where there is no temptation to do anything you may regret.

So Basically what am I saying?
What I am saying is on your wedding day you want that first kiss to be SPECIAL (I know I already said that but it is a very important point!). You want your firsts to be actual firsts and they will be when you share them with your first love who will be your only love. Some of the firsts you may not think of are:
First hug or holding of hands
First love letter or I Love You
First dedication to someone other than immediate family
And so much more!
You may not realize it but there a lot of firsts that you will want to share with your future mate. A song by BarlowGirl (a Christian band) called Average Girl puts it all perfectly and the lyrics go like this: ‘No more dating, I’m just waiting, like Sleeping Beauty, My Prince will come for me he will come for me, no more dating, I’m just waiting, because God is writing my love story!’
That song seems to be written just for us young woman (and young men) who are saving their kiss and many other firsts for that perfect someone God is preparing for you!
There will be times where you will wish you had a boyfriend/girlfriend because you think it looks like fun or maybe your friend just got one and they are so happy or whatever the reason just remember that waiting for anything can be hard but God’s arms are the perfect place to run! I pray that after reading this, you will take it into consideration and hopefully make that wonderful decision to save your firsts for the person God is preparing for you.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Q. So what made you decide to keep pure or what is your motivation?
A. The thought of having a perfect past that is clean for my future husband is just enough for me. I have been asked many times by different adults whether or not I have a boyfriend and I am always proud to say ‘no’ and they usually are pleased with my answer and say that they respect ME of all people because of that life decision. It may not seem like a big deal but too many kids are starting to have boyfriends/girlfriends way to young! They really should have them at all.

Q. What if you are 25 and you haven’t met the prepared mate that God is supposed to bring you?
A. Well it’s simple; either God is still working on my mate or God has better plans for me before marriage! He may need me to work in the Peace Core or be a Missionary in Australia first or maybe that is where my mate is. Also sometimes God has too many plans for your life and HE knows that married life would slow you down so you simply don’t need to have a mate.

Q. It may be easy for you to keep pure because you are homeschooled. What do I do in public school?!?
A. You pray hard and stand strong and believe me, you will gain the respect of your elders and the other young people around you.

Q. What is an easy reminder that I can visualize or see just to jog my memory every now and then?
A. For me I have a silver ring that has the word PURITY engraved in it. I wear it everyday and it reminds me that I am to keep pure because it is not only what God wants of me but it is also what I want too! A ring, necklace, or whatever you like can be a reminder. It could even be a picture of you with family that you can put on your wall or in your Bible to remind you every now and then.

There are two books I HIGHLY recommend you to read for more information on Purity;

The Bible by: God, our heavenly Father

Before You Meet Prince Charming by: Sarah Mally

Both of these books will help you to not only understand Purity but will make you want to keep pure! It sure worked for me and both books are definitely the king of books you need to own! : )

Friday, January 04, 2008


Biology Apologia is much better than the Chemistry I did last year but some things that I have to memorize are IMPOSSIBLE!!! LOL I am sure I will eventually... somehow... by God's good grace, know half of the funky sayings by heart but until then it seems like a hopeless cause! JK I am sure I will learn enough to pass through my tests though. : )
Are there any subjects you struggle with? Try going to the library and getting books on that subject. I hope that helps!

Social Butterfly

Thursday, January 03, 2008


O.K. Get a load of this, I was looking at my mom's brag book from when I was a baby and its funny because in all of the pictues I either am eating, smiling, laughing, playing, or looking completely puzzled as to why the small black box that flashes is coming to get me again! JK LOL I couldn't resist! Look at some pics of yourself when you were little... it will definitly brighten your day!

~Social Butterfly


Are you bored? Then try something new! Like:


Sketching, drawing, or painting

Make a blog (if you have one make a post)

Read your Bible or a good book

Join a club at your school group or library

Practice or play an instrument (only if you have one : )

Try one of my recommended websites


Do something crazy like play with one of your siblings, ask them if they want to play a game whether on the PC or a board game! Treasure the time you have together because when you are an adult you may end up on the other side of the world! LOL Chances of that happening are slim I know but the U.S.A. is a pretty big place! ; )

Keep that brilliant mind of yours working hard and you will never have a dull moment!

Social Butterfly


Just two more good votes and I will post my Purity Report! I hope you all vote yes because I would love to share it with you all!!!

Social Butterfly


Hey Everyone,


More L8r,

Social Butterfly