Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Verse of the Day

Here is the verse of the day:

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”- Romans 12:15

I think that this means when you see someone happy and rejoicing, instead of being jealous, feel happy for them and when you see someone is sad, don't make fun of them or be glad that they are sad but instead feel pity for them. Really this verse is teaching us to be polite in a sense. Tell me how you see this verse. Do you think my opinoin is right or do you have another idea? Be sure to leave a comment to let me know!


P.S. Tell me what you did on Memorial Day!!!

My Week!

Hey everyone,
Sorry it has been a while but I have been really busy (big surprise huh.... lol)!!! Last week I went to see my friends play, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory which was very good and funny! I enjoyed it and was extra happy because one of my best friends sat right next to me! After the wonderful play, my friend came to my house as we waited for our other friends photo shoot (they had to act out the play again and freeze at certain parts for pictures!). While my friend Nicole and I waited, we talked together (we enjoy that a lot), made lemon ices to drink, ate hummus and crackers and tried a new food called himaca. It is a strange fruit I think. It tasted like an apple. It was kinda cool outside so we came downstairs to my room and had a nice chat together. Before we knew it, nearly three hours had flown by! My grandmother came over while Nicole and her mom were still here and I showed Nicole and my grandma the lime green prom dress that I had bought at a garage sale and showed them pictures from the Home school Spring Formal (their version of a prom). Then finally, our friends photo shoot ended and she came to my house and as we were getting ready to go out to eat, I realized I had to babysit in 30 minutes, our friend's mom remembered that a tutor was going to arrive at their house in 25 minutes and Nicole's mom said she would like to get home soon so we decided to wait for another day to go out to eat together and I felt sorry for our friend but we had no time for anything except fast food! : )
Hopefully we can get together for lunch soon so all three of us girls can hang out together!
The next day was Wednesday and I biked up to a nearby park and met up with a couple of my friends. On Thursday my dad came home and lunch and told us he had injured his bad knee and foot so he stayed home for an hour to relax and bravely went back to work! Poor daddy.
Friday, I babysat like usual from 9 to noon and when I came home I played with my baby brother and did my schoolwork and it was rather nice out!
Saturday was a lot of fun! We went to a outdoor historical park and we saw a civil war reenactment and bought ice cream custards, ate sweet potato fries and a pork Po boy and homemade mac and cheese and walked around and looked inside historical homes. It was beautiful outside because God blessed us with sunshine and mid-70s weather! When we came home we were tired from walking around for so long because we were there for nearly 5 hours and 90% of the time was spent walking. LOL
On Sunday, after church, we were very busy with organizing outside. My dad cut the lawn (even though I did offer to do it), he cut off a few low branches on a couple of our trees and my brother and I had to cut the branches into foot long pieces and put them in a yard bag. After that we organized our shed which took a loooong time because we had to get all of our deck furniture out and onto our huge deck, take out the bikes (thankfully there was only three inside), organize all of out outdoor toys, roller blades, and gardening supplies, sweep out all the leaves and spiders and what not out and then put everything back in in an organized fashion (we didn't put the deck furniture back in though). My dad organized the garage. My mom and I worked in the garden a little bit planting tomatoes. I watered all of our gardens, plants and flowers (which we have a LOT of) and then by about 6pm, we were finished and the outside looked great!
On Memorial day, it was reallllllllly hot outside! The highest it got to that day was almost 92 degrees!!! Sooo... my friend across the street invited my sister and I over to play in the sprinkler and we borrowed our neighbors slip 'n slide and I wore my new tankini swimsuit! My sister and I spent about two hours at their house and we had a lot of fun. I came home and got changed and took care of my baby brother while my dad went shopping and my mom took a break from caring for the baby. A while later and I had to give baby back to mom because I had to go babysit. I brought our sprinkler and my swimsuit with me for the kids to play with me because it was still really hot out at 4pm. Then the weather was strange because as the kids were drying off, the sun went away and it started to get pretty cool out. It went from 86 to 76 degrees in just a couple hours! After giving the kids dinner, I played games with them, took them for a walk outside, got their pj's on, and let them watch TV for a while. I put the youngest to bed (she was real tired) but the other two were allowed to stay up until their parents got home and about 8:30 or so. On Tuesday, I woke up at about 8am and read my bible then ate breakfast and then started my schoolwork. Finished school at about 2pm. I wanted to go to the library so we left at 3pm and I got my book (a knitting project book) and then my mom dropped me off to babysit about 35 minutes later. I had a good time babysitting and the kids had more fun than usual because my sister came along to play with the kids too. When we came home for dinner we had pizza and salad. After dinner, my dad took me to Joann's (a craft supply store) and I bought the yarn, zipper, and inside fabric that I need to make a really nice clutch purse. I bought creme colored fabric and it was about 70% off so it was only $2 each and it was the 196 yards of yarn!!! So I got almost 400 yards of yarn for $4!!! Yeaaaaaaa! When my dad and I got back home, it was already minutes before 9pm so I got ready for bed and then my dad popped in a old scary movie that was actually quite silly and I didn't get into bed until 11:30 or so.
I woke up this morning to find my baby brother on top of my bed because my mom was holding him there and she needed me to take care of him for a while. I looked at the clock at is was 7am. So I took the baby and I played with him and then a bit later put him in his play chair and turned on one of those education baby shows and read my bible while he watched tv. Then 30 minutes later, I brought him upstairs with me and he sat in my lap while I ate my cereal because my mom wasn't up yet ( was about 8am). I played with my brother some more and changed his diaper and then woke up my siblings because it was a little after 8:30. My mom woke up and she fed the baby and started schooling my brother and sister after they had eggs and toast for breakfast with my dad before he left for work. I did all my schoolwork and now all I have left to do is my history and then I will be done for the day. I know this is an incredibly long post but I just fit over a week into this post! Enjoy!

Until Next Time,

Monday, May 19, 2008

Verse of the Day and good news

Verse of the day
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.”- James 3:17-18

I know I don't get to do the "Verse of the day" everyday but I do it about once a month... still not half as often as I wish. But to get to the news, I am sooooo excited because I am going to my friends play (see her blog here ) tomorrow to see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!!! Not only is my friend in the play but my other good friend (you can see here blog by clicking here ) will be there too! And we are going to lunch afterwards! I am so happy and joyful that God has blessed me with great friends! I miss them both so I am happy to see them tomorrow!

Some more good news is my other close friend, who moved to the other side of America, is coming to visit me in the end of June!!! She will hopefully spend the night too! I haven't seen her ever since she moved last mid-July. I miss her company and our time spent together very much!

Well that is my good news for today. I will tell you about the play hopefully tomorrow but Wednesday if I am too busy sooner. Tell me about your happy gettogethers or other occasions when you had fun! I would love to hear about them! Don't forget to leave a comment. I love it when you all leave comments!

Blessings be on you all and have a great week!

Until next post,

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Saturday

Hey girls,

How have you all been? I hope you all have had a wonderful Saturday because I had one interesting day. It started at 6 A.M. when I felt a terrible cramp and figured out that I had started my cycle! What a way to start the weekend! And on top of it all, from noon until 3:15, a friend of mine and I had to watch 13 girls at my cousins dance recital! Fortunatly by God's good grace, I didn't feel too bad then. After the cutest dances and getting all the girls returned to their moms, I went out with my cousins and grandparents to Big Boy's. I had the salad bar, cream of broccoli soup and some of my grandpa's onion rings. Once I got home at about 5pm or so, my grandparents stayed over for a bit to visit and left a couple minutes before 6pm. I showed my grandma the beautiful prom dress I bought at a garage sale yesterday for only $15!!! I will take a picture of it to show you before the next dance (the next dance is the Masquerade Ball in October). I will probably wear the dress to the ball and to the Spring Formal because I like it soooo much! : )
Well once my grandparents left, we watch The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones and then had some dinner (grilled ham and cheese). Then my mom got my baby brother up from bed and after feeding him rice cereal, I helped her give him a bath. It was so cute because he was kicking up a storm in there! He got the front on my mom's pajama shirt soaked! LOL But he definitly enjoyed himself. After helping with the bath, I came to my bedroom downstairs and now I am telling you about my day! Well, I have to get into bed because it is now rolling on to 10:30PM and I still want to read before I fall asleep. I will tell you much more about last week hopefully before Monday.

Fill in some more soon,

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Funny Story

In the hospital, the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where their family member lay gravely ill.

Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and somber.
"I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news," he said as he surveyed the worried faces. "The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant. It's an experimental procedure, very risky but it is the only hope. Insurance will cover the procedure, but you will have to pay for the brain yourselves."

The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news.
After a great length of time, someone asked, "Well, how much does a brain cost?"

The doctor quickly responded, "$5,000 for a male brain, and $200 for a female brain."

The moment turned awkward. Men in the room tried not to smile, avoiding eye contact with the women, but some actually smirked.

A man unable to control his curiosity, blurted out the question everyone wanted to ask, "Why is the male brain so much more?"

The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and explained to the entire group, "It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to mark down the price of the female brains, because they've actually been used."

Hope you enjoyed a good laugh,

Monday, May 05, 2008

Lovely Day

Hello blog readers,

Today is a beautiful day... which makes me wonder, WHY AM I IN THE HOUSE??? Well to tell my fellow bloggers what I have been up to. Well last Saturday, we did a lot of moving around in my house and I moved into the basement so I now have, drum roll please........ MY OWN ROOM!!!!!! (the crowd goes wild!) Yes thank you thank you... I am just as excited as you are! I know have my own boombox, TV, VCR, and all sorts of other fun stuff down here with me! It was a lot of moving but it was totally worth it! And on Sunday, after going to church, I went to Kohls (my all time favorite clothing store) and bought a white shirt to wear the my band concert that I had later on that afternoon. The concert went really well and I didn't make any funny sounds when the clarinets had our solo. We played Regal March, Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, Latin Fire, and Fire Storm. The 30 minutes we were on stage seemed like 30 seconds! Isn't that the way it always is though. You look forward to something for a long time and it finally comes and it goes by soooo fast and then you are happy with memories but sad that it is done! Well I need to get outside and enjoy the weather but tell me how your weekend was and I hope to hear more coments on my story. Sadly, I may not put more of my story on my blog because 1) I don't want someone to steal it and 2) because I hope to publish it! If it gets published, which would be a total God thing, then I hope you all will buy a copy!

Love and Blessings,