Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our Week of FUN

Okay so remember when I told you all last week that we were going to Cedar Point and the Zoo and to a beach? Well it didn't exactly happen as originally planned... but we still did the fun stuff. Let me tell ya we had an AMAZING week! God blessed us so much!

On Monday, we just relaxed at home and had fun as a family.

On Tuesday (we were originally going to Cedar Point but it was raining in Ohio) my dad planned a big surprise for us. My mom knew but my brothers, sister and I had no idea. We started guessing parks we know of and other fun places but we were way off! My dad surprised us and took us to the Tigers game! It was sooo much fun (even though the Tigers didn't win)! We had a blast! Even AJ liked it!

On Wednesday, we went to the Zoo. That was also lots of fun! Here are some pics:
This polar bear was kinda funny sitting on top of the aquatic tunnel! lol

These kangaroos were trying to keep cool from the hot sun! It was about 85 degrees out!
This lion was huge! And we could hear him gently roaring. It was pretty cool and AJ really thought it was awesome! :)
On Thursday my mom had to go to work so we stayed home and just cleaned the house, played outside, and hung out with family.
On Friday........ drum roll please.............................. we went to........................................... CEDAR POINT!!!!!!!!!!!! It was soooo fun! I went on at least 20 rides! We rode on
The Iron Dragon (3 times),
Blue Streak (4 or 5 times I can't remember),
Gemini (3 times),
Corkscrew (once),
Wildcat (once),
the Pirate Ship (once),
Disaster Transport (twice!) and many more!!! My sister and I named ourselves the Triple S (same seat sisters) because we went on almost every ride sitting next to each other!

Other rides we went on were the Convertible Cars (i rode by myself the first time in a pink convertible and the second time with AJ in a purple convertible. We also rode the old fashioned cars, the race horse carousel (2 times) and other fun stuff we could all do like the high swings!
I haven't downloaded the pics from my camera yet so when I get a chance I will post some from Cedar Point.
Post more later!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009


I know I haven't posted in forever but I have a good reason! Our Internet was down for almost a whole week! I was so upset! Well now I can finally tell ya some new highlights of my life! : )

For starters, I have had a few extra babysitting jobs the past week or so. August 5, I babysat for three hours and made $30! Praise God! I need to save all the money I can get from babysitting for a car and college! It wasn't easy money though because I was watching four children but they are really great kids.

Wednesday evening (still the 5th of Aug.) I went with my friend Kelsey to her church for a talk on Purity and how to prepare for marriage and what to do with your single years. Some of the topics I already knew about but other things he said I had never even thought of. I know that for young ladies you should not tempt your brothers in Christ to sin by dressing immodestly. The world tells girls that if you look good, dress good but it doesn't mean you have to dress inappropriately. And for guys he said it is good to have a job, a strong relationship with God and a plan for your future before you try to start finding a wife. I really enjoyed it.

Another highlight for this month is going to happen next week! My dad has a week off from work so we are going to a few really fun places!

For starters, on Tuesday we a going to *drum roll please* ............................ CEDAR POINT! If you have never heard of Cedar Point it is an amusement park with roller coasters, shows and lots of other fun stuff. We haven't been there in 3 years so I am really excited!

Wednesday we are going to go to a beach up North but its not that far from where I live.

Friday we are going to the Zoo and then Friday night my BFF is spending the night to watch Monk and Psych with my family and me! I am soo looking forward to all these fun things!

Oh last night my dad and I went shopping to Kohls together (my fav place to shop) and when we first walked in the doors we saw our neighbor and her daughter Kelsey (the same Kelsey that I went to the purity talk with.) The best part was I found some really good deals!

I got a pair of those soffe shorts just for pj wear.

I bought this dress (it looks short but it is actually almost to my knees) for just $6 but mine is a cute green (try to picture it green):

And I bought a really cute bag that I will have to take a picture of to show you later cuz I gotta go! I will post more soon!



Monday, August 03, 2009

Long time no see...

Well I know its taken me nearly FOREVER to get this out! This will be an update on (if i can remember everything) the past two weeks.... let me see. For starters, July 24 was Little Women at my friend Nicki's house. We went to a pool/water slide and had a huge blast! I wish I could post pics but I can't cuz of safety purposes. : P

Anywho, the day after that (it was a Saturday) we went out to a restaurant to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. We ordered two gourmet pizza's, one veggie and one cheese and pepperoni. After the late lunch, we came back to my house (my grandma, aunt, cousins and my family) and we just hung out and chatted for a bit. My cousins are both girls and are 6 and 9 (soon to be 10) so they mostly play with my little sister.

Saturday evening, I babysat for my mom's cousin and I watched her two kids (a fun 5 year old boy and a darling 3 year old girl!) They were so much fun. I made them dinner, we played outside (they both have their own little battery cars to drive), drew lots of pics with chalk and then headed in for bath time. I always bring a shirt to change into during bath time because they always get me wet! lol Its lots of fun though. After their bath, they get to watch one kid show (they looove scooby-doo) and then they both pick out what stories they want me to read. Then I tuck them both in bed, turn on their classical music in the boom box in the hall and they eventually fall asleep (i usually get them in bed between 8:30-9 but they normally fall asleep closer to 9:30ish). Its a lot of work but hey, I enjoy it! I have always loved kids from any age.

Well on Sunday, we went to a picnic in the park. It was actually a church picnic. I liked it alot. They played music, had burgers and hotdogs and brownies and cookies and juice and well you get the picture. I actually ran into my friend's friend that i had met a few times before there. She attends the church we have recently been visiting! : )

Monday I had my BFFWILLAS (best friend forever who i love like a sister) over and we scrapbooked and watched re-runs of Monk together. We snacked on some awesome duoz cheese crackers (very addicting... ) and enjoyed each others company. She could only stay for a couple hours cuz she had to get home to help clean her house (i know how that is... lol).

Tuesday draws a blank.... as does Wednesday...... Thursday my dad took me to an empty parking lot after dinner and I practiced driving for 1/2 an hour. I did really well.

Friday morning, since I wasn't babysitting my mom, baby brother and I went out to breakfast together at Big Boy's and then went to garage sales together! We had some lovely quality time.

Saturday my family and I all went out to garage sales together. I will have to post pics of what I bought but for now I will tell ya. I bought a pair of American Eagle flats for $2, a college messenger style bag thats lime green for $2 and 22 sheets of scrapbooking stickers for $2!!!!!!
I know... I am an amazing shopper! lol

After garage sales, we bought some fried chicken and went up to a park to eat picnic style. AJ loooved the park so much that he cried when we had to go home.
That evening I babysat again for my mom's cousin. It was the exact same routine except the kids had already eaten dinner.

Yesterday we went to the Henry Ford Estate birthday party for their 146th birthday! They had cupcakes, pizza, subs, pickles on a stick and other snacks and almost everything was just a dollar or so. Okay so here is something super cool! At the back of the estate, there is a small waterfall (pic below):

Well when they turn down the water, there are stepping stones right across the top:

So my dad, brother and I crossed!!!! I am the one in the yellow top below:

Since I was wearing flip-flops I went halfway across barefoot (i thought it was better footing for me that way) and went the other half across and back in my flip-flops (i was feeling much braver then). I am so glad I did go because you just feel like you have made a huge accomplishment once you make it back! lol
Today, we did house cleaning, watered the garden and flowers (we actually do this everyday), I helped my brother clean the kitchen (it was more like he helped me because I did most of the work) lol. But we are giving him a break today because last night we took a family bike ride up to a park that's a mile away and he fell of his bike and kinda twisted his ankle a bit so he has to go easy for a couple days anyway.
Now I just want to say...... I AM SO BLESSED! THE LORD HAS BEEN SO GOOD TO ME AND MY FAMILY AND I PRAISE HIM FOR EVERYTHING I HAVE. I learned an important lesson that I will never forget; When something good happens, its a blessing. When something bad happens, it's a blessing in disguise! I made that up all by myself because I found it to be true once or twice.