Sunday, November 30, 2008

New feature

Hey everyone,
I added something new to my blog....... a playlist! I have two actually. The red one plays Christmas music and the green one plays Christian music! The are at the bottom of my blog and you can turn on whichever one you want to listen too. You can add one to your blog too by clicking on the create free playlist tab but be sure to ask your mom or dad first like I did because it requires your email address to use. Enjoy!



I am soooooo hyped! Its finally snowing and I am talking real snowing with lots of beautiful snowflakes!!! YEAAA!!! I hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving and enjoyed this weekend with your family/friends!
Friday my dad, brother, sister and I went Black Friday shopping. The only two things I bought was a 4GB card for my camera which was originally $30 but on sale for $12! And I bought my dad earmuffs for Christmas that were $25 but on sale and with my coupon, only $9! I was pretty happy to complete my Christmas shopping. : )
Yesterday, my whole family decorated our entire house (inside and out) with Christmas decorations. We put up the tree, decked out the fireplace, and I even put lights up in my room! (See pics below: )

My awesome room lights! : )

Our magnificent Christmas tree.
Our TV all decked out with stockings playing the Christmas music channel.
Post more later,

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Dear Friends,


There is so much to be thankful for, your family, friends, home, clothes, bed, and everything that you can say is yours! I am even thankful for the bad things because they always happen for a reason! I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving Day with your family and friends and that health and joy will be with you all!

At my house, we are having my grandparents over and these are the dishes that will be served:
Honey baked ham
Cranberry Jelly
Sweet Potatoe Casorole
Green Bean Casorole

Stuffing Gravy
Pumpkin Pie
Cranberry Dessert Bread
and more that I can't think of right now!

I think by the end of today, I will be more stuffed than the turkey!!! LOL

Bless and Be Blessed,

Monday, November 24, 2008

Some fun highlights from last week

Hey there blog friends,
I just wanted to share some happenings with you all from the last couple of weeks. Two Saturdays ago, we went to a car museum for their Christmas party and we made crafts, listened to a Christmas choir, looked at old cars and how they were built, and had baked goods and holiday punch. It was lots of fun. After that, we went to a fun HUGE CHRISTMAS STORE and here are pics of what it looks like inside:

Trees anyone???

Above left is a little play that goes around showing the story of Snow White and above right is a Christmas village. If you bought the whole village set shown above, it would be over $2,000.

Here is a couple videos of Christmas villages! Aren't they sooo cute!

After that we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner which was delicious!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nominated for Best Blog ever

I have been nominated for BEST BLOG EVER by Elizabeth!

Thanks Lizzy!
I now nominate these wonderful blogs:
Angie Smith (wife of Todd Smith from SELAH)
Enjoy !!!
If your name is in the list, be sure to put this nomination picture on your blog and nominate four other blogs!

How smart is your right foot???

This title seems wierd but this is soooooooo cool! You have to try it and tell me if it worked for you too!

This will entertain you for a while at your desk. Just make sure no one is watching..
How Smart Is Your Right Foot ? Try This. It's Pretty Neat !
It is from an orthopaedic surgeon..
This will boggle your mind and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your right foot, but you can't.
It's pre-programmed in your brain!!
1. While sitting where you are , at your desk, in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand.
Your foot will change direction!

I told you so!!!! And there's nothing you can do about it. You and I both know how stupid it is, but before the day is done, you are going to try it again, if you've not already done so.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Well it is official, I am not going to sell my camera after all because 1) the other camera I was considering buying is too expensive and I want to save money for Christmas shopping and 2) the two friends decided to not buy it but I am actually really happy about it because I like my camera too much to sell it after all!

Besides that, there have been several snow showers where I am and I miss the sunshine!
I am excited though because my dad and I are going to set up a electric fireplace in our family room next weekend and that will be keeping us cozy and warm during the icky weather outside.
I do love sledding and such but I enjoy Summer waaaaaaaaay more than sledding! LOL
Well I have to get more school work done but I will post more later!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Whats new with you?

So how are you all doing today? Blue skies and sun at my place! Yeaaaaaaa!

Update on Digital Camera: so far I am waiting for two friends to see if they are going to buy my camera (see post below). I don't think you could get a better deal on this camera anywhere. The model is barely over 1 year old! If you are interested please let me know. If I don't sell it in a week or less, I will put it on Ebay to sell so comment really soon!

Besides that, I am reading the book "So What's the Difference" by Fritz Ridenour for like the third time for 11 papers that I have to complete! YIKES! 11 papers on 1 book! Well its because I am studying the 10 religions in the book and the viewpoint. 10 + 1 = 11 right?!? JUST KIDDING! I know how to add!!! LOL

Well Tuesday night, I went to my friends house for our Little Women meeting and we had lots of fun playing games like investigator 'n muder (kinda like cops and robbers) and eating CHOCOLATE cupcakes! It was a great time and on the way back (we all rode in a friends car) we played The Oregon Trail game on my cell phone. That was fun too! I didn't get home until after 10pm but I didn't sleep in the next morning so that was good.

I have to go and eat lunch now but I will post more later!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hey friends,
Sorry that I have been neglecting my blog but I have been really busy. Yesterday, I did 8 hours and 45 minutes of schoolwork!
That should be proof for you. LOL Well anyway, we had our first snow fall yesterday morning and it was only 31 degrees at 8:30am this morning!
Talk about winter weather! Well it is getting close to that time of year.
Other things I have been doing besides school is learning new piano pieces for Christmas.
I learned The Drummer Boy, Jingle Jingle Jingle, and I am starting to practice Silver Bells. I learned other Christmas songs last year like Jingle Bells and Carol of the Bells. (I like songs with bells LOL.)
Another thing that has been keeping me on my toes along with the rest of my family is that my little brother is now climbing up the stairs all by himself and even though we say no or get down, he growls at us and continues climbing! LOL
It is soooo funny when he growls and crinkles his little button nose that its IMPOSSIBLE to be upset with him (in reality he does know what no means because he usually will stay away from something if we say no.)
Well we put all our thanksgiving decorations out since its only a week away already!
I am going to go Black Friday shopping with my dad the day after Thanksgiving again this year. We usually get up at 3am and leave no later than 3:30 to go to the sales.
The first store opens at 4am and we like to get in and out as quickly as we can with our purchases. Its definitly the best time to buy Christmas gifts because everything is on sale from 50-90% off!
Well I have to go and finish up my studies but I will post more later.


Monday, November 10, 2008


I can't believe it but we had our first snowfall this morning! I was sad that it is so chilly out but somehow the snow makes me warm inside of happy memories of playing in the snow with family and friends from past winters. I am so looking forward to getting together with family for the holidays. I also do most of my Christmas shopping on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving).


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Peace Be Still

Dear friends,

It is a bit after 11:30pm on election day and it was announced online a bit ago that we now have Obama as our president. Now don't get me wrong. I don't hate Obama himself as a person and I respect the role of a president but what I don't like is what he supports like prop. 2 and such. All I can say is that God is forever in control of all circumstances and I like this verse:

Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We don't know God's thoughts on this situation but I know that God has a purpose for what is happening every second of every day. I am definitely not happy with this situation but I know its all for a reason.
I got the title for this post from Rush Of Fools song, Peace Be Still. Here is a music clip of it that I took with my camera. Unfortunatly my camera ran out of memory at the last few seconds of the song. : P

I also take comfort in this verse:

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

God has a plan for all of us and although we may have a calendar filled with events, God is the one who plans each day for us. He decides if we will have another breath or wake another morning. Dwell on thoughts and happiness and remember that God has a reason for all things.


P.S. If we could survive under Bill Clinton, we can handle these upcoming four years.

Also, I made this post RED, WHITE, and BLUE to be PATRIOTIC! : )