Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oh my...

word. I can hardly believe how long its been since I posted. You are probably actually happy to know that I can't remember EVERYTHING that happened the last few weeks or you would spend 10 years trying to read how long the post would be! LOL

Well I will fill you in on a couple of the highlights to make it not so long. First, school is officially done for this year. I choose (all by myself!) to do French this Summer (shocking since most kids think they don't need to think about school for 100 days)! : P

Anyhoot, there was a crazy happening a little over a week ago, it was nice out so I had the window next to the very computer I am typing at open. My dad was sitting on our front porch and we had just the glass front door closed (the big door as my family calls it was open). Well anyways, it was all peaceful and calm until...... WAM! A crazy bird flew right into the glass door! It scared me (i was typing an email and nearly jumped out of my seat!) and my dad cuz I heard him saw "what on earth" and I can tell you what on earth... it was a bird with no brains! lol

Another thing about birds is a couple weeks ago we knew of a nest in the gutter right above our doorstep. A few days later, a baby bird was dead on our doorstep. I was soo sad to open our front big door and see the poor little birdy. : (

Well its time for happier news now! Last weekend was the local Independence Festival in my town and of course me and my family went. There was elephant ears, corn dogs, ice cream, kettle corn, you name it and it was there. I wanted to buy everything and just pig out but I didn't buy anything because everything was outrageously priced. It was $5 for an elephant ear (if you think its an actual ear of an elephant... you are crazy. it is a type of pastry and they are deep friend so technically they are really bad for you. I haven't had one in many many years!).

Well in the evening, every year they have fireworks sooo.... I took a video and some pics to share with you all!!!! Yeaaaa!

If you think this is amazing, that's nothing compared to what my Lord, God my Savior can do for you! I will never forget the song "My God is so great"! It was one of my favorites as a young little girl. We sang it in Sunday School almost every week.

Well of course I have done the one thing almost all teen girls enjoy doing.............. shopping!
I will show you what I got below:
This dress was on sale from $36 dollars to $14.99 and I had a coupon so I got it for $12.40! I just really wanted a dress I can wear any day rather than strictly for Sunday best. I really just got into the habit of wearing dresses and skirts more often. I have been wearing babydoll tops for a long while though. I don't like skin suction tight clothing. If I can't wear it with Jesus then I can't wear it at all!
This blue tank top was only $4.99 so I got it in blue (as shown above) and in pink. I have suddenly taken a liking to pink. I realized that blues, pinks/purples, greens and yellows look really good on blonds so those are now my fave colors! They are such summery and happy colors too! I don't like dark blues but light blues are really pretty.
Well I really need to get to bed now! Its 11:36! I am sooo tired and I need sleep before I babysit four darling children in the morning. If you have never read my blog before, I will do a quick name/age for ya. Noah/age 6, Marina/age 4, Summer/age 3 and little Selah/7months.
I hope you all have a good nights rest and that you will bless and be blessed!
In God's love,

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Bubble Burst

Well friends,

My hope bubble has burst.

My big news is that I applied for a job at a local movie theater and I called the other day to speak with the hiring manager (just so ya know, he is NEVER there when I call and I called at least 5 times in the past 3 days) so I ended up speaking with a assistant manager and I told him of my application and me wondering if I will be hired or not and he said chances are not because most of the positions for staff are filled! I took comfort in knowing that this HAS to be for a reason.
Now here is a crazy twist to it all! My mom got a call on Tuesday (the day I was told I wasn't going to get the job) from the owner/manager of a Tea House not far from our house and my mom's best friend works there and referred her for a job opening to be a waitress!
She had the interview yesterday and was hired! My mom starts her training tomorrow at 11 AND guess who is training her??? HER BFF WHO WORKS THERE! She is so excited and I really am happy for my mom but it just makes me feel a bit worse that I didn't get a job. Pray for me that I will have patience and that God will guide me. I know that God has a reason for me not getting that job. There is a plan and purpose developing but I just don't know what it is yet. Well I have to go and finish up some school work. TTYL


Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Bonjour readers and friends,
I realize that I have not posted in over 2 weeks and I have several reasons why.
First, I have taken up quite a few extra babysitting jobs the past couple weeks.
Second, my grandfather from the other side of the USA has taken a trip to visit us this past week. I am sad because today is his last day visiting us! : (
Third, I have been trying like crazy to finish my history book so the school year will officially be done!!! lol

I am going to share some BIG news with you all sometime soon I hope. I can't tell you just yet in case something goes wrong but I am praying it will work out.
I hope you have enough sense to eliminate some obvious things that are not my big news (like getting married or something crazy like that) but it is a big thing for me right now and I hope to share the news soon (a lot of hope in this paragraph huh?) lol

Well I will tell you some of the fun things we have done the last week;
Last Monday around 4:30ish, we got a call from my grandpa telling us he was finally in town! YEA!!!! He came over on Tuesday with my Aunt and cousins (he is staying at my aunt's house because she is the only relative with a guest bedroom) around 2:30 and the instant he was out of the car I ran like crazy to be the first to give him a hug! It sounds silly coming from a 17 year old but I do some crazy things OK. : )
We shared pictures and had snacks together and they stayed for dinner (we ordered Pad Thai and pizza for the kids... i had both hehehe).
They had to leave at about 7 because my aunt lives an hour away and my cousins had to get in bed for school the next morning.
My grandpa came back to our house in his truck on Wednesday morning and he had breakfast with us around 9am (my aunt works on Monday, Wednesday and Friday so he visited us on all these days last week). We left our house after cleaning and getting our stuff together and went to the chiropractor where my aunt works. We all had adjustments and then left to go to Costco. Now one thing I always like about Costco is the samples but for some reason they only had three (granola, Lipton diet drinks and some kind of noodle thingy) and I didn't really like any. We bought groceries for dinner and then came back to our house. We had chicken, mashed potatoes and Cole slaw for dinner. YUM! I like chicken a LOT! Grandpa had to get back to my aunts at about 7ish because I think we tired him out with our go-go lifestyle! LOL
On Thursday, nobody came to visit but my family went to a local museum. It was lots of fun. I will have to see if I have any good pics to share with ya later.
Friday, I went to babysit for Amy in the morning so I missed my grandpa (and pancake breakfast!) but when my dad came to pick me up from Amy's EVERYONE (my family and grandpa) was in our van. I asked where we were going and my mom said garage sales! I said YAY!!! Let me tell you I find most of my clothes in clearance racks at Kohls or at garage sales. You get amazing deals (like my new American Eagle t-shirt for a quarter!)! I will post pics of all my new clothes soon.
Well anyways, we went to garage sales for almost 2 hours and then came home because my baby brother really needed a nap! Well he was very happy once he laid his precious head on his bed.
While baby was sleeping we shared more pictures and just talked and played games.
Saturday, grandpa went up north a bit to see a old friend of his so we didn't get to visit. So since we had free time, my mom, my brother and I took off for more garage sales! I got several good deals but no clothes in the morning. We came home so my mom could put baby to sleep and then just me and my parents went while my other siblings stayed home. After one dud (we call garage sales that have only junk duds or bobs... don't ask why... we just do) we hit a garage sale that had a lot of clothes my size. The one problem was that most of her skirts were short-skirts but two were longer so I bought those and I bought a really cute cami that will be nice for summer and it matches one of the skirts! The next sale had roller coaster tycoon for 25 cents so I bought that for my brother and me and the one after that had my American Eagle t-shirt and a sweater. We hit more sales after those but I didn't buy anything except a dress for a dollar.
Sunday, we went to church and sat with my aunt, uncle and grandpa (my cousins were in Sunday school). After church, we went out to eat at a cute Greek restaurant for lunch. I split a gyro with my mom and it was sooooo good! If you like Olga's you would love gyros (its not pronounced gyro but instead is pronounced yur-o)!
After that we went downtown and strolled a park and did a bit of window shopping. If we hadn't been so full, we might have bought ice cream but we were too full!
Monday, my grandpa came over for breakfast (we had scrambled eggs, hash browns and toast) and after breakfast we played Yahtzee. Surprisingly, I actually god a Yahtzee (if you don't know what a Yahtzee is, its when you roll 5 die and all of them are the same number... its really hard)!
Today, my grandpa is coming over for the last time at about 3 with my aunt and cousins.We will probably take lots of pictures so I am wearing one of my new shirts today.
Well I will post more later (and hopefully the BIG news)!
